Mental Health Providers

Jenny Smith, MA, NCC, LPC, CFRC

My goal as a therapist is to bear witness to each client’s unique experiences as they see them, help them to better understand their own perceptions, and uncover the inherent strengths of each individual in a warm and supportive environment. I aspire to help each client gain the skills that work best for them to navigate the challenges of life and create a therapeutic space ideal for exploration and self-compassion.

To meet the unique needs of each client, I am committed to tailoring the therapeutic experience to each individual. I work from a theoretical foundation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT) with a trauma-informed approach. I believe each person has many parts to them that are all interconnected and should be addressed in therapy as much as possible to improve overall wellbeing. My goal is always to provide a collaborative and trusting atmosphere and to consider the holistic needs of each person to address all important parts of their life, including physical, mental, relational, and spiritual wellness.

Sunstone Counseling


📍4112 Innslake Dr
      Glen Allen, VA


Insurances Accepted - This provider is an out-of-network provider for all insurancesThe provider will give you a bill of services after your visit.  You will submit the bill of services to your insurance company for reimbursement.  Contact this provider's office for additional information.

What do the abbreviations mean?

Disclosures:  This mental health provider is not affiliated with, or employed by, the Isle of Wight Peer Support team.  This listing is provided as a reference only to mental health professionals that have completed training in, or have direct experience, working with first responders.  This provider and the Isle of Wight Peer Support team have no financial interests.

This listing was created to remove barriers and provide easier access to mental health care.  This listing is not meant to be a replacement for any employee assistance program that is offered by your agency or employer.  Seeking therapy is not considered to be a fitness for duty assessment.  This mental health provider is obligated to respect your personal privacy as required by law.

Unless you expressly consent, any contact, interaction, or relationship that you establish with this provider is confidential and is never shared with your superiors, the Isle of Wight Peer Support team, its peers, or any agency, except as required by law.  Isle of Wight Peer Support will have no direct or indirect knowledge of any relationship you establish with this provider without your express consent.  We do not receive any notification from this provider that you have contacted them.

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